Friday, December 20, 2013

This and That

Instead of making excuses for not posting in almost 2 weeks I'll get right to catching ya up on our lives......

The boys and I stayed an extra day in Cali because my mom ended up in the hospital. She was released hours after she arrived at the ER but is still in CONSTANT pain. She's scheduled for surgery a week from today but is on 24/7 bedrest until then. She is like me and doesn't do "laying around" well so she is absolutely miserable- both physically and mentally. If you can keep her in your prayers we'd appreciate it.
We got home late Tuesday night, got our tree and finished decorating for Christmas on Wednesday and Thursday morning my brother flew into New Orleans. He spent the weekend at a drum clinic and the boys and I spent the weekend spending time with him and my sister in law when we could. (Rob hung out with us on Thursday.) It was fun to see them and be a tourist in New Orleans.
Last week we added a new addition to our family- an adorable hound/mutt puppy. We have been promising P a puppy for months now. He asked Santa for one and has been so patient in getting one. So he and I went to an adoption event last Friday and immediately fell in love with "Brutus" (but we didn't like his name). P affectionately renamed him "Coconut". He also answers to "Cocoa" and "Coke". He has blended into our family quite well! In fact, he and Ruby have become fast friends and rarely go anywhere without the other one close behind. At night, when the boys are asleep, Ruby and Coconut curl up together by the tree and fall asleep until it's time to go to their crates. I hope that he continues to work out for our family because I've already got a soft spot for him.
This week has been spent doing Christmas events and getting things done around the house. Wednesday we only left the house long enough to take and pick up Coconut from the vet (He got his manhood taken away). The housework still has not gotten done to my liking but at least the boys are a little more on schedule.
I'm going to finish this off with a lot of pictures of our trip to Cali, my brother's visit and Coconut. Enjoy.........

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