Friday, May 30, 2014

Essential Oils

I'm not a Green Peace person. I'm not a Save the World person. I'm not even a Recycle person....although I have found that plastic grocery bags are the best for throwing away dirty diapers so I do save those. But in the past few years I've gradually moved away from cleaning with chemicals. I hate the smell of bleach more than most any other smell so I figure if it's that strong for me I can only imagine how the boys feel. I've learned that vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are awesome cleaning agents so if you were to open up my "chemical" cupboard you'd only find window cleaning solution and Resolve. Another thing I'm going more "organic" with is how I treat the boys medically. Yes, medicines are sometimes needed (and appreciated) but there are a lot of times that they are just a bandaid. My new favorite thing is doTerra essential oils. I've found that they work well for the body and as cleaning agents. In fact, some- such as lavender-can be used for both! Easton has been sick this week AGAIN (!) with a stomach bug. Yesterday my friend offered me a chance to use her Digestzen oil, which aids in stomach issues. After 2 days of nonstop cleaning up after Easton I was willing to give anything a try. I applied it on his stomach in the early afternoon. By around 4:30 he was starting to act more like his normal self.....and that was the end of his stomach bug. He went to bed happy, woke up happy, has been eating...and keeping it all in!! I can't say enough about essential oils and I'm so thankful that I have access to them here in LA and in CA.

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