Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Year.....

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the start of Rob's job here. A job that he's wanted for a long time, a job that has taken me (and the boys) away from everything I know. Today I'm homesick and sad and lonely so maybe it's not the best to blog about this today but I will anyway. A year. Some days it seems like yesterday. Other days it seems like a lifetime. It's been the same as I envisioned it to be. In the past year I've experienced pretty much every emotion I can think of.....anger, loneliness, happiness, excitement, resentment, joy, acceptance, defeat, frustration, contentment. I've dealt with depression but I've had moments of happiness. I've been brave and I've been a coward. I've been extremely lonely and have shed a river of tears but I've also been happy and have laughed. I've faced both rejection and acceptance. I've enjoyed days and have dreaded days. It's been a rollercoaster of emotion for me this year. Some days I think I could buy a house here and be content. Other days I want to hightail it back to Nevada as fast as I possibly can. So many things I miss there. But in this past year I have learned to rely on God first and myself second. I've always been an independent person but this past year has taken me to a whole new level of independence because I've had to. Do I like it? Not so much. But I'm proud that I've become stronger than I could've imagined. A year. Sometimes a lifetime. Sometimes a moment in time. A year.


Kimberly June said...

Change is rarely welcome but so often required and needed in order to grow. I'm proud of you friend. I am not sure I could do the same and not be a basket case. :)

Anonymous said...

A year...a lifetime. We knew it would be difficult. It has been that and then some. A very difficult year all the way around. We love and miss you more than you could possibly know. And those boys, those precious boys...enough said. Mom