Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas Traditions

At our staff Bible Study this morning the theme was family traditions and whether we carry them on or not. It got me thinking about so many of our traditions over the years- some that we've kept and some that we've abandoned. I think, hands down, my favorite tradition started a little later in my childhood (maybe even after I became an adult??). Every year, after the presents have been opened and the Christmas meal has been cleaned up, an adult (usually my mom if she's with us) will hide the German pickle somewhere in the Christmas tree. Then it becomes a free for all for someone to find it. The only rule is you can't knock over the tree and whoever finds it first gets a prize such as a gift card or cash. It's a tradition that my family loves and one that the boys have come to love as well. When we were unwrapping Christmas ornaments a few days ago they got so excited when they unwrapped the German pickle because it's a tradition they love. Another tradition that we started later in life, but I love as well, is on Christmas Eve. We would go to a church service then we'd eat dinner at In-N-Out Burger and drive around to look at Christmas lights. I love the memories of those special nights. We now live across the street from our very own Griswald family so we don't have to go too far to look for a lot of lights. Last year I didn't appreciate their over-the-top Christmas lawn décor. But this year I find it endearing because it reminds me of looking at lights with my parents. Another tradition that we had was that we got to open one present early. As an adult, I have figured that this was probably rigged because we always opened clothes/Pjs. But my brother and I loved getting a sneak peek into what would come.
Some traditions we have started as our own family, blending childhood traditions. On Christmas Eve, after the Christmas church service, we gather as a family and read about Jesus's birth. We also read "Twas the Night Before Christmas". I wasn't sure if the boys really like this tradition but both boys have been reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" (the original and Cajun versions) in anticipation of Christmas so I guess they like it better than I thought they did. We also started the tradition of the elf on the shelf. The boys love waking up to find the elf's crazy antics...or the little gifts he's brought.
Some traditions have died out over the years for whatever reason. My family and I used to get together with other families in the church and go to the mountains to cut down our Christmas tree. I have no doubt I grumbled about this (especially the year I got sick eating way too much homemade peanut brittle), but now looking back that, that was a fond time in my childhood. I cherish those memories we created with friends. My parents have a tradition of the "Orange Man" coming after the tree is up and fully decorated. I've heard the story behind it but it's not a tradition I've cared to carry on with my family. (Maybe because I'm not a huge fan of oranges??) When we first got married, Rob and I would get excited for eggnog milkshakes to hit fast food joints. We got them quite often and compare which place made the best one. But I can honestly say that I don't think I've had one since moving to LA. Once again, I don't know why that tradition stopped but I miss it.
Traditions are important for a lot of reasons. I am glad I have been able to close my business (It was officially dissolved yesterday!) in time to enjoy the family traditions that we enjoy this time of year. I know that things can get crazy with Christmas shopping, parties, baking, events, etc. But I am so happy that I have learned how to slow down over the years so I can enjoy the traditions that are important to us. I want the boys to look back over their childhood Christmases with fond memories because of the tradition we enjoy each year.

(I am really tired and it's been a long day so please forgive any errors as I'm too drained to really edit it.)

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