Monday, December 16, 2019

Generous Acts

To me, part of Christmas is about the spirit of giving. If I had my way,  I'd give all the gifts and not receive any in return. I love watching people open gifts! I guess I enjoy it so much because I try to get people the perfect gift, based on conversations I've had with them or their interests. When that is reciprocated, random acts of kindness or someone's generosity, it really sticks out in my mind.
That's why I am so impressed with Rob's company. Well, mainly I'm impressed with his current boss. Not only does he make his employees feel appreciated but he also makes their families feel appreciated as well. He hosted a Christmas dinner for his management team and their wives. At the dinner, he had door prizes and gave each wife a personal, handwritten note, expressing how much he appreciates her for supporting her husband. It's not often that a boss will go out of his way to make everyone feel so special. His generosity means a lot to me and it makes it that much easier to support Rob, knowing he is appreciated. I wish everyone was so kind and giving with their time and/or money!

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