Saturday, December 21, 2019


Between Thanksgiving and today, Rob and I have both been sick. Couple that with 4-5 Christmas parties, school events and preparing for Christmas and it's been a little chaotic around here. Although the date never changes, I feel as if Christmas has snuck up on us this year. But, even as I scramble to get last minute shopping done (or buying yet another Dirty Santa gift for a Christmas party) I am thankful for the store employees that I come across. Every one of them has taken the time to say, "Merry Christmas" or "Have a Blessed Christmas". That's not the norm out West. In fact, it made me terribly sad when I was visiting with a friend this Summer and she told me that in Kindergarten, students are now being taught that there are 15 different genders. Or that all ELA adoptions from here on out have to be gender neutral, without the use of "he"" or "she" in the text. In 2nd grade, students are being taught explicit Sex Ed classes. Out West, *most* people worry about being PC so if they do acknowledge Christmas it's with a "Happy Holidays". Knowing that there are different ways of life depending on where you live, it makes me appreciate that much more the fact that at 3 different Christmas parties, a prayer was said before eating the food. It makes me appreciate that the superintendent of the local public school system in which I am employed sent out an employee email, reminding everyone that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, our Savior. It makes me appreciate that, at one of the boys' public school events, a student began the ceremony by opening in prayer. These are things I LOVE about the South. So, if I don't have a chance to do so before the 25th, let me with you a Merry CHRISTmas from our families to yours. I hope that, in all the hustle and bustle, you take time to reflect on the birth of Jesus, how He has blessed you/your family this year and how much HE loves you!!

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