Saturday, February 14, 2009

That White Stuff is Back

Rob often laughs at me, telling me I get way too excited about the little things in life. But, I can't help it. It is now a habit to use my nightly bathroom breaks to also check how much snow has fallen. Then, when he wakes up, I report my findings. We were predicted to get 1-2 feet between Thursday night and Tuesday. But, sadly, we've only gotten a few inches so far. I woke up when Rob's alarm went off this morning and looked out to find about 1/2 an inch had fallen over night. But, now that I'm awake it's really coming down. I never thought I'd enjoy the snow so much, but I do. Well, I do when I don't have to work or drive in it. As some point today I'll make the trek down the mountain to run a couple errands and rent a few movies. Nothing better than the snow falling, a fire in the fireplace, and being curled up next to Rob watching movies!

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