Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quite a Day

I seem to live life with a bang these days. No common days for me! Today was no exception. I woke up at 3:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. I thought it was weird that I hadn't felt Preston move for 3 days so I thought about it while I couldn't sleep. This morning I called my doctor's office and left a message, asking if this was normal at 24 weeks. I was on a fieldtrip with two 6th grade classes when I got a call back. After playing phone tag, I talked to the nurse (with my doctor standing by). She informed me to go to the ER immediately because it was a bad thing I hadn't felt the baby for 3 days. I reminded her I was only 24 weeks and asked if I could just go to the office for the heartbeat monitor. She asked my doctor and once again informed me to get the ER. How feasible this is when I am at UNR, surrounded by 50 sixth graders is beyond me, but somehow I made it through the rest of the fieldtrip. As soon as we got to campus, another teacher covered my class for the last half hour and Rob's boss brought him to the ER. When I got the hospital the ER receptionist immediately escorted me up to Labor and Delivery. As if I wasn't freaked out enough, the L&D nurse was telling me I didn't have time to do insurance cards or change into a gown. She told me to lay down as she began hooking a monitor to me. By the second monitor she was able to find a nice, healthy heartbeat....much to everyone's relief! On the monitor it showed every time Preston moved or kicked and she seemed surprised that I couldn't feel him. When she called my doctor to give her an update, my doctor's response was, "Well, it's not common to feel the baby that much at 24 weeks." I was pretty mad at this response so I was glad that Rob was there to calm me down. The whole reason I went to the ER to begin with is because my doctor told me I HAD to. The good thing is that Preston and I are okay at this point. I can't imagine having him quite yet- the nursery isn't set up, the clothes aren't washed, the carseat isn't installed, the school year isn't over yet. This does not work with my July 16th goal at all! =) He'll come when it's his time, though. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy the fun and "not-so-fun" parts of pregnancy!

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