Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sun Isn't Out but the Snow is

It's 10 til 5...AM that is! This is one part of the pregnancy I don't really care for, not being able to sleep but being tired all the time. I tossed and turned most of the night then decided to stop fighting it. I got up and decided to eat a bowl of cereal while I play on the computer. When putting the dogs out, I noticed we got a layer of snow sometime during the night. You could've fooled me because it was HOT in the house. Finally, during one of my bathroom breaks, I turned the thermostat way down (Since Rob isn't here I didn't have to worry about freezing him out) in hopes of being more comfortable.
I guess I'll try to go back to sleep for a couple hours. I have to take my car to the mechanic and a friend is picking me up to hang out for a few hours. Between my errands and trying to get more done in the nursery, hopefully I will sleep better tonight! I'm bound and determined to know what it feels like to get a decent night's sleep before the baby comes.

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