Sunday, August 11, 2013

Preach it Pastor!

I really enjoy our new church. It's the first church that I've attended since I left home at 17 yrs old where I feel like I truly belong. Although we've only gone there for a couple months, I feel like it's home. People are always so friendly and I'm getting to know different ones at the church. One thing I like about each Sunday is the pastor's sermons. He preaches straight from the Bible. He peppers his sermons with a few stories or jokes but for the most part he preaches from the scripture. He said today that he could tell more jokes and stories in each message but that it'd mean less Bible and he's not okay with that, something I respect. One analogy that he gave today is one that I haven't heard but really liked. He talked about excuses that people use for church that they don't use while attending a ball game. I can't remember all of them but here are a few:
* I don't like the band's songs so I won't go back to that game.
* I sure hope we don't go into overtime so I can get home soon.
* I don't agree with the ref's calls so I won't be back.
* I can't come to the game anymore because not everyone agrees with me/my team.
* They sure ask for a lot of money here and I don't like giving this stadium/arena/? my hard earned money.

It really struck a chord with me because those excuses are thrown out so much for church but you never hear anyone say those words when at a game, cheering for their own sports team more than they cheer for God (Who created them by the way). Your team's final score has no outcome on where you spend eternity but your walk with God does.
Do I think you're going to Hell if you're not in church every Sunday? No! But I think it becomes too easy to make excuses not to go, not to spend time in the Word, not to fellowship with other believers which in turn makes it harder to strengthen your walk with God. And, that my friend, won't earn you any bonus points for spending eternity in Heaven. So, if you haven't been to church today there's the sermon in a nutshell. I pray that it strikes a chord with you the way it did with me.

(PS Read the next blog for a recap on yesterday.)

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