Wednesday, August 7, 2013

To Do or Not to Do?

Growing up, I remember seeing my mom's continuous "To Do" list by the phone and I'd think, "Why does she write a list every day?" Well, now as an adult and as a mom I get it. For me I don't know if I write one because it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I cross things off or because I'm too scattered some days to remember important things that have to get done or because it just makes my day flow better. Whatever the reason is, I have my own continuous "To Do" list these days and it gives me great satisfaction when I can delete things from it each day.
That being said.....Last week it felt like life in NV with a busy schedule and trying to cram everything in between swim lessons and play dates. I was thankful for my list as it kept me focused on things that had to get done. This week we're back to "normal" with me trying to find stuff for us to do. When the boys went down for their naps today I started looking at my never ending "To Do" list that I keep on my phone and I got frustrated that I hadn't been able to delete anything from it today, despite having so much time on my hands. There were still dirty dishes in the sink, dust on the mantel, weeds in the flower bed, dog hair on the ground. And then I realized what I HAD accomplished the past few days that hadn't been on my "To Do" list: snuggles with both boys, teaching P another letter in the alphabet and prepping an art project to help him learn the letter, playing make believe games with him, getting Easton to laugh, reading Bible stories to the boys, having races with toy cars, having P help me make brownies, taking video clips and pictures of priceless moments, helping P memorize Joshua 1:9, teaching him how to play Dominoes (and then using it afterwards as a train track), taking him to help Daddy at work, working out, helping P make his own "Cars" lunch (which he was very proud of making), spending time in the Word, trying to get Easton to say "mama", and everything else in between. So just because, at the end of today, I could only delete 2 things off my "To Do" list doesn't mean I didn't do anything important. It means that I'll take time to appreciate all the things I do on a daily basis that don't need to be on a "To Do" list to make them important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember the saying..."Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow but children grow up, we've learned to our sorrow; so quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep, cause I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep". You did the most IMPORTANT thing! Love, Mom