Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Answer to prayers

I'm also thankful for answers to prayers, no matter how big or small, especially this week. Earlier today I looked down and saw the diamond missing out of my wedding band. Luckily I hadn't really left the house at this point so I didn't have a lot of places to retrace my steps. Just as I said a prayer to find it I saw my diamond. It had somehow gotten under the cushion of P's car seat so I must've lost it when I strapped him in. When I say we didn't really go anywhere I meant that we hadn't gone to other places. We did, however, drive around for a half hour this morning looking for Ruby. As I was pulling back into the driveway, discouraged that I hadn't found her, she came bounding toward the car. Then later, P and I had to go down the hill to take my ring in and go to Wally World. I called and called for Ruby but she never responded. I left, praying that she'd find her way back to the house if she was gone. After a few hours down the hill, I turned the corner on our street and saw her running toward my car once again. She followed me up the street and went straight in the house. Whatever she did while we were gone wore her out because she's been sleeping ever since we got home.

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