Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Doo Game

Our son is, for the most part, very well behaved. So when he makes bad choices or is being a brat it's kind of surprising. Today he's been the fullest extent. This morning Rob had gone upstairs and a few minutes later was yelling for me and P to come up there. P beat me up there and as I was walking up the stairs I heard Rob ask P what he had done wrong. As I cleared the top stair I immediately saw the problem......P had pooped on my treadmill!! (Yes, you read that correctly) I know that this is not uncommon for preschool aged children nor is it uncommon for siblings when mom is expecting a baby. BUT, it was surprising none-the-less. Maybe it has to do with the Doggie Doo Game that he was given for Christmas and is fascinated with. Maybe it's just a developmental thing but it's unacceptable regardless. After lunch we put him in his room for a rest/nap time. Since I had been awake since 3:45 with contractions I was looking forward to resting. But P made that impossible by throwing things at the door, yelling for us and wreaking havoc in his room. Once rest time was over Rob had a long talk with him (I'm still too mad to talk to him rationally) and we thought that our sweet son would surface again. Wrong! P gets bopped on his cheek as one of his punishments when warranted. So, out of the blue, he comes over to me and bops my cheek then glares at me. I about lost it. Thankfully Rob was here and intervened, telling him to go in his room so I could calm down. If this continues it's gonna get ugly around here because I'm uncomfortably pregnant and don't have the patience for dealing with an ornery 3 year old. I'll be glad when it stops snowing so he'll be able to get outside and get his cooped up energy out. In the mean time I'm praying that things get better before they get downright ugly.

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