Friday, January 11, 2013

Tough Love Take 2....Epic Fail!!

Easton is a super easy baby, easier than his big brother was (That's not P's fault, though, because he was so sick the first month of his life). The only time he cries is when we change his diaper....or when we put him in his bassinet at bedtime. I figured the problem with the bassinet was the mattress so I bought him a new one yesterday (Rob teased me that we might as well get him a Sleep Number so he can really enjoy comfort). Last night I decided we'd try the "Tough Love/Cry it Out" method because I was tired of not having any space in the bed. I wasn't feeling well and was running a little fever so I swaddled him, gave him his pacifier, happily put him in his bassinet before crawling into bed myself....Only to crawl back out an hour later when he wouldn't stop crying. Then I was riddled with Mommy Guilt because he had cried so hard he'd spit up and it was all over him. So I put the Boppy Pillow back in our bed, laid him on it and fell asleep. Between an idea Rob had and one I had I tried him in his bassinet at naptime today and it was successful. I don't know if that's because I was in the room and he could see me or what but I was happy that he could lie in his bassinet for an extended period of time without crying. Let's hope tonight is a success and he can lie in his own bed. He's such an easy baby that I'm okay with missing out on a little sleep but I'm not willing to co-sleep with him til he's 3 yrs old like some people I know have done with their kids. Tough love will prevail at some point!

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