Thursday, January 31, 2013

Some Time

Rob and P have been having some father/son time the past couple days while Easton and I have been hanging out with the girls. I have awhile before I need to head out to book club and Easton is content in his swing so I figured I'd use this time to catch ya up on life.

So....we've decided that P is destined to be an attorney later in life. We've decided this because he likes to talk in circles when he's being disciplined, trying to talk us out of his punishment for whatever reason. I'd love to give you examples but for whatever reason (hhmmmm....maybe being a new mom again??) I can't think of any off the top of my head. Hang out with him for a few hours, though, and you'll see what I mean. His latest thing that he likes to say is, "When I grow up I get to be the boss. Being the boss is fun." I don't know where he gets that it's fun but I guess attorneys have that mindset.
Maybe when he's an attorney he'll find a way to outlaw monsters at bedtime. A phase that I can't wait to be done with is the "monsters" phase. I feel like we've tried all the tricks of the trade to no avail. Every night, getting him to believe that monsters are fake, is a battle. I felt like we were making a little headway but yesterday we had a major setback. I took him to the local library for the first story time he's ever been to. The book they decided to read?  "Monsters at Bedtime". Seriously. Without thinking, I blurted out, "Do you really have to read that one?" as P looks at me with the "See mom? Monsters ARE real!" look. He started spouting off about how he's scared of monsters and that they try to get him at bedtime. That got some of the other kids going and mass monster chaos broke out at story time. The man continued to read this horrid book that was not calming in the least. Funny? Maybe if we weren't dealing with this issue but I didn't find the humor in it. I warned Rob that bedtime last night was going to be tough. Sure enough, P came in at some point during the night to wake Rob up to let him know that monsters were coming up the stairs (Yes, we moved his bed upstairs so we're all up there now). If P ever goes to therapy later in life I believe it'll be because of his fear of monsters.
P's little brother is not so little anymore. I was nervous about nursing because it was such a disaster with P. But there's no need for worry anymore. I went to a Mommy's Group today at the hospital, where he was weighed. Last week at his check up he weighed 8lbs, 4 oz (almost 2 lbs heavier than his birth weight). Today, a week and a half later, he now weighs in at 9 lbs, 11 oz. I feel that, at this rate, he may be a contestant on the Biggest Loser. In all seriousness, I am THRILLED that he's thriving on breastfeeding! He's still got his days and night a little mixed up but he's a great baby. Right now he's on his activity mat, just looking around. I can't believe he's been in our lives for a month now! He's blessed us in his short life and has proven what we already knew....P makes a good big brother.

All in all, life here at the Lazy H is going well! I know I don't blog as much but I have every intent on doing it. It's just a little crazy here, with P going to preschool 2 mornings a week, dealing with a newborn, etc. So enjoy when I blog and know that I think about it even when I don't. Until next time......

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