Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hallmark Holiday

I tried to fit my "soapbox" speech into my other blog for today but couldn't make it work so I get the whole space just to vent about today. Here it goes...Really people? Why do you pick one day out of the year to go above and beyond for your significant other? I have, and probably always will, hate Valentine's day because it's such a commercialized, pointless holiday. Hallmark sells cards that say what you should be telling your significant other in person, every day. The flower shops force you to spend a ridiculous fortune on flowers that are half the quality they are every other month of the year (except Mother's Day). Restaurants are so packed that you have to wait forever to be seated then can't enjoy each other's company because there are too many people around you. I just don't really see the point in this day. The ONLY good part of this day, in my opinion, is the box of chocolates. Every year when I was single, my parents would give me a box of chocolates. That's the only thing I'd get excited about on this day. So, in celebration of a pointless holiday, I am on a mission today to buy those cheap chocolate covered cherries because I've been craving them the past few days. Other than the chocolate, I really don't like this holiday because it gives people an excuse to do what they should be doing every other day of the year... not the roses and expensive dinners per se but the expressions of love. Don't get me wrong. I am truly a hopeless romantic and love the little notes or emails Rob sends me or the roses he sends me on a regular basis. My heart does a flip flop when he compliments me and I think it's quite gentlemanly that he holds the door open for me. I just don't think one day needs to be singled out for those types of things. So, there ya have it. Although I have quite a few opinions, I don't express them often but this is one I am very passionate about. So, instead of celebrating the commercialized Hallmark Holiday, the Herrington household is going to celebrate 8 months of marriage and the Opening Weekend of NASCAR. Now those are things to celebrate!!!

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