Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What Is Going On?

This had not been a fun couple days, let me tell you. It started yesterday morning when I started getting sharp abdominal pains. Now I've had plenty of cramping with the pregnancy but nothing like I felt yesterday. So, I waited awhile and it didn't subside so I called my doctor. The nurse took down the info and said she'd call me back after the doctor got back from lunch. When she did call me back she said that the doctor said it's the baby's way of telling me I'm overdoing it and that I need to rest. I don't really understand how I'm overdoing it. I go to work and cook dinner when I get home. Other than that I usually space out the laundry, vaccuuming, etc over the course of the weekend. I haven't even really felt like working out lately because of some issues with my tailbone. But, if I don't start resting and the pains continue then I could be put on bed rest. For those that know me well, know this would be my worst nightmare! Then, last night, I couldn't stop crying. I haven't been too hormonal but when I am it sure makes up for the times I haven't been. I cried from dinner until well after I got into bed. Every time I tried to stop I'd cry more. I guess it was the combination of the pain, being exhausted and the unknown. (Poor Rob didn't know what to do because he was in pain himself. We were quite the pair!) I ended up taking today off and have been resting. I've only had a few sharp pains, which is a welcome relief. I've cried once and have slept a lot. I guess my body and the baby were really telling me how much I needed this because I finally feel somewhat better.

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