Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Day In The Life Of....

Sorry for my lack of blogging. This week has been monotonous. This is what a typical work day looks like in my life......

4:30am- Rob's alarm goes off so I wake him up to turn it off
5:00am- Wake Rob up again, reminding him he has to go to work
5:30am- My alarm goes off to which I hit the snooze button several times
5:50ish- Reluctantly roll out of bed and put the dogs out to do their business
6am- Eat 1-2 bowls of cereal depending on how hungry I am & check my email
6-7am- Get ready for work and watch the news
7ish- Pour my cup of decaf coffee, put the dogs in the garage and head down the hill
7:30- Meet at Becky's house to carpool
8am- Get to work
8:15-9:10- Meetings, prep for the day
9:10- My wonderful students are welcomed at the door
9:15- Yell at students for not turning in homework
9:20-10:45- Teach
10:45am- Wish I was closer to a bathroom
10:45-12:30- Continue teaching, count down til lunch
12:30- Lunch
1:05- Teach
2:15- Recess duty... pray there are no fights
2:30-3:15- Teach or enjoy prep time
3:15- Say good bye to my wonderful students
3:45- Find Becky and remind her it's time to go home
4:15- Get to my car and head back up the hill
4:30- Play with the dogs
5-6:30- Clean up around the house, relax, make dinner, clean up dinner
6:30-9:00- Relax some more, "fight" Rob for the computer, check Craigslist for baby stuff, email friends, watch too much TV
9:00- Fix Rob's lunch and put the dogs out for the last time
9:30- Crawl into bed, read, talk to Rob, say my prayers, go to sleep
Midnight- Get up to use the restroom
12:30am- Finally get comfortable and fall back asleep
3:00ish- Get up again and repeat the midnight routine

So, there you have it. Kinda boring this week. I'm sure I will have more to blog about soon so stayed tuned!

1 comment:

Rebecca Jetton said...

Jen, I'm impressed. You wait a full five minutes before yelling at your wonderful students. Girl, that takes patience and discipline! I go out into the hall so I can get a good yell in before they enter the room! I LOVE MY STUDENTS! No, really, I do!