Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Up Sick

So, it's 1:30am and I should be snug as a bug in a rug. Instead I could be one of those NyQuil commercials right now. You know, where the person is tossing and turning with the sniffly, sneezing, achy thing going on? Well, that's me to a "T" right now. I woke up right before 12:30, listened to our new water system regenerate for 20 minutes, listened to the 40-50 mph winds outside, readjusted the pillows several times, blew my nose just as many times and still ended up on the couch, blogging at 1:30am. This not being able to take NyQuil sucks. I know if I got a good night's sleep I would be fine. But, instead, I highly suspect this wonderful cold will turn into an even more wonderful sinus infection. Gotta love it! OK, Round 2 in trying to get back to sleep............

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