Friday, April 17, 2009

Sleeping In?

My plan was to sleep in on my last official day off, but my body had a different idea I guess. Actually, I didn't get much sleep last night as it was. Between the moon shining ever so brightly into our room, Rob snoring a tad bit and me getting leg cramps in my right calf I didn't get much sleep at all. I'm at the awkward phase where I can't really get comfortable and any time I wake up to readjust myself Preston thinks it's "play time" and starts kicking me. Then, I lay there mesmerized by his movements and struggle to go back to sleep. So, instead of fighting it, I thought I'd take advantage of it. I got on our registry to see what people have bought for Preston already (one of my new favorite things to do!). I also decided to start a load of laundry since I can't use a lot of water between 7:30 and 9:30am. (Something to add to my to-do list before Preston is born....change the rejuvenation times again!). I guess now that the sun will be up in a half hour I will try to go back to sleep. The dogs are wound up, thinking it's time to go outside. So, hopefully between them, the washing machine and the sunrise I will be able to get some shut eye on my last day of Spring Break!

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