Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Time Apart

Rob is getting ready to leave for MS. I am sad for many reasons.....I'll miss him terribly, we won't be together for Easter, he gets to be with his family and I don't, we won't be celebrating our (dating) 2 year anniversary together, he gets to eat at the Bay and I don't, there won't be anyone to talk to when I get home, I have to feed the horses. But, there are a FEW perks to him being in MS....I get to choose whether the TV is on or not and if it is I get to watch what I want to watch, I don't have to fly with him (what an experience!!) and I get the entire bed to myself. Oh, and I get the thermostat set at what I want and get all the Cadbury eggs to myself. But, the cons far outweigh the pros. He is my best friend, someone I've become dependent on. So, being apart for the longest time since we first started dating is going to be hard. At least I'll get to go to Sac and see my friends and family. That will make the time pass faster, which is good because I already miss him!

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