Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This date ended up not being significant for 2 reasons. The first one is that it was supposed to be my last day of work but obviously that happened awhile ago. Now that I know Easton won't be coming this week I THINK I could've made it until today at work. On second thought, no I couldn't have. The stress probably would've put me into early labor. Plus, yesterday my back was hurting so bad that I was in tears. So I'm glad I ended my contract when I did. The other reason today is not significant is that my dr had originally said I could have Easton today but then changed her mind. Before I left for MS she thought I'd be lucky to have him after 34 weeks. Then, just like she did with P's birth, she said I was good to go until probably 37 or 38 weeks. Today would've been a cool birthday for him to have but not at the expense of him being on oxygen from a pre-term birth. So, although 12-12-12 means something to some people, it's just another cool date in my book.

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