Saturday, May 18, 2013

Getting Harder

Today was bittersweet. Sweet because it was a day FULL of fun times with friends. Bitter because it meant starting the goodbye process. The closer it gets to moving the harder is becomes for me. For 37 years my life has been encompassed within a 600 mile radius. I've had some friends close by for most of those 37 years. I've had my parents fairly close for those 37 years. So it's hard for me to wrap my head around not being close to what's familiar. I'm excited. I have my good days and bad. The closer it comes to moving our lives 2000 miles away the freer the tears flow. I want the best of both worlds. I want Rob to be at a company he enjoys working for in an area he loves. Just like I want my life in an area I love. That may be Baton Rouge but right now all I can focus on are the goodbyes that are getting harder with each passing day.

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