Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Told You So!

I'd like to take a minute to stand up and shout to the world, "I TOLD YOU SO!!". Back in September/October when I was teaching Kindergarten a new student came to my class. You may remember reading my blog(s) about him. But he came in and made my life a nightmare. Not him per se but the principal. I kept telling her he had a learning disability and that I thought he was on the autism spectrum. She kept saying that he was fine and that it was me not being a good teacher. I went to the union to complain that she wasn't backing me and it just got ugly. Fast forward to now. The district pulled her from the school for taking one of the top schools in the district to making it the 2nd lowest (This is the 2nd time she's done this in her administrative career). Tonight I got together with some friends with whom I had met because all of us taught together at that school. Only one of the ladies is still there and I asked her about the student. She said that shortly after I left the principal started pushing him through the system to be tested and it turns out........ (Drum roll please) that he does indeed have autism! He now only goes to school until lunch and next year will be placed in a school that specifically handles students with disabilities. If I ever use my administrative credential and become a principal I promise that I will listen-and research-when teachers tell me that their gut says something about a student. Students and teachers both need to be supported so everyone can be happy, happy, happy!

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