Monday, September 1, 2008

What a weekend!

Could we have 3 day weekends every week? I love spending time with Rob and our friends! Friday we went to the Rib Fest with some friends. We made our annual rib run then took them to the Pagni's to eat a great feast. Saturday Rob rode dirt bikes with some friends at the Rubicon while I went to school to do work and to the gym to do yoga. Sunday we did projects around the house, trying to get ready for about 20 people coming over next weekend. Rob put a lot of effort into the projects, getting a lot done. We had lost power due to the wind so I cleaned the inside of the house, with what I could without power. It has really cooled off to the point I had flannels on last night and a fleece today. We were able to close the windows and doors after the power came back on. This morning we went to a Civil War re-enactment in Virginia City. (Rob was insistant that the South could win this time.) Then we went to look at horses. We are looking forward to buying horses and are spending the time to find the perfect ones for both of us. I told Rob if we find a horse then I'd want to sell my dirt bike since I don't ride it a lot. Tonight we decided to ride our dirt bikes to our neighbors for dinner. On the way there, I was proud that I had yet to hit my brakes. Unfortunately, I should have hit them to make the last turn. I bailed but luckily I did have my helmet on (my only protective gear I had put on). I got pretty scraped up, tearing my fleece and getting my jeans filthy. Rob has been babying me ever since. He is so good to me, but I can only imagine how he'll be once i get prego if this is how he is over a few scrapes and bruises! Other than the fall, this has been one fabulous weekend! I love being married to my best friend, one that takes good care of me, makes me laughs and one that I can be totally be myself around. It was worth the wait!!

On a completely different side note, Rob's family has made it through the hurricane safely. PTL!!

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