Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Blessings

Rob found out that he was going to be on pager duty over Thanksgiving so we weren't going to be able to go out of town for Thanksgiving. Although we had some invites from friends, my parents decided to come up so we could have a family dinner. They arrived Wednesday night and are leaving this morning. We have had so much fun with them, starting with them getting stuck off the side of our driveway when they first arrived continuing to getting the ice maker to work using a blow dryer and crochet hook. I made my first Thanksgiving feast, with the help of everyone. Rob deep-fried the turkey, mom made the sweet potato casserole and stuffing and dad journaled it all by taking pictures. After eating and taking long naps, mom, dad and I took a walk around the property with Roxy happily tagging along. Last night we relaxed and watched the family movie, "Flicka". Now, we are off to partake in the Black Friday sales. Let the fun continue!

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