Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So much.......

There is so much to write about today that I don't know where to begin. I decided to wake up with Rob this morning and take advantage of the quietness. When he left for work I got the rest of my first story written and formatted so I could send it to the institution today. I was also able to get some other important things done before Preston woke up to start the day. After Preston got up we went to see Rob's crew do helicopter work in Dayton. I always admire what Rob does but seeing it up close gave me a new appreciation for his job. I told him I'd never get on his case about napping anymore, especially after getting up at 4:30am myself AND seeing how hard he works everyday! Preston and I left there to go to a doctor appt I had. He had everyone in the waiting room smiling by the time we got called in because he was making his teradactyl noises. The doctor even commented a few times about how good he was being. Like I have said many times, we know we have a good baby but it's nice to hear it from other people as well. He is 4 months old today and every month I like to look back as what he's accomplished. In this past month he laughed (only one day but we'll take what we can get), discovered his feet, puts everything in his mouth, can almost sit up, interacts with us so much more, babbles and is starting to grab things (he held his medicine bottle tonight!). Being a parent is such a fun, exciting experience. Yes, we have rough days but those are few and far between anymore. He pretty much only cries when he's really hungry or overly tired. Other than that he is a very happy baby. The milestones he constantly reaches just amazes me! So much to be thankful for as we are really blessed..................

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