Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Been Awhile

I don't know if you'll see any more blogs than you've seen recently. I've had such a heavy heart and when I get like this I just kind of hide in my cocoon until I come out of my funk. We decided that I have to go back to work part time next year so I checked out a couple daycares yesterday. Days like we had today where Preston and I are both tired and cranky make me think I'll be okay leaving him a few days a week. But, when I got tours of the places yesterday I teared up, thinking about what a mess I'll be the first week I have to leave him. It's not just leaving him that I'll struggle with. It's the freedom I've grown accustomed to, the "Mommy and Me" groups that I meet with a few times a week, being able to get housework done without time restraints. It will be a big adjustment, but I am praying that it'll only be for a year. Other than that, there are things going on with friends that burdens me. But, that's how I am with my friends and I know everything will work out as it's supposed to. Be patient if you don't see too many blogs from me in the next few days and know that I'll start blogging again soon.

1 comment:

Betty Townsend said...

Jen, I have these words on my email. It is the chorus to a Steven Curtis Chapman song.
"His strength is perfect, when our strength is gone
He'll carry us when we can't carry on
Raised in His power the weak become strong
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect".

I've needed to be reminded of these words today. It has not been a good day for me in a lot of ways. I will be praying for you! Just lean on Him, it will all work out.