Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dr. Seuss life

Today was great for Preston...perfect 9 mo checkup, a new savings account (Thanks Mimi and Grandpa) and dinner with "Aunt" Cristy. But in between the greatness, Preston had a Dr. Seuss kind of day. ~Sidenote: One of my all time favorite stories to read, regardless of whether I'm teaching Kindergarten or 6th grade, is "Oh the Places You'll Go!" It's a fabulous book about life and its lessons. Dr. Seuss eloquently described Preston's life at this moment in time...." I'm sorry to say so but, sadly, it's true that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you."~ As I was saying, in between in today's greatness Preston had some Bang-ups and Hang-ups. I was trying to get his laundry done while he played in his room. All of a sudden I heard him screaming and crying. I peeked around the corner to see his bedroom door closed. Well, you see, I think he was trying to pull himself up using the door and it got closed. But, he was leaning against it so I couldn't get it open. Finally, I pushed and pushed until I was able to budge him away enough to get it open (all the while he was screaming and crying). Not even five minutes later we were in a safe room...or so I thought. Preston was happily doing what he loves to do right now- pulling himself up and walking about the edge of the coffee table. I was sitting close to him to "help" him if need be. Apparently I am not fast enough because he fell on the corner of the table, hitting his face on the edge. He was screaming and before long his nose was bleeding a little. Good thing his injuries, to date, are ones that can be healed with mommy and/or daddy's kisses (and a Kleenex). Lord help us when kisses aren't enough to heal and I'm sure those moments aren't too far off in the future. So, Dr. Seuss thank you for preparing me to deal with a very mobile baby-too-quickly-becoming-a-toddler.

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