Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Working Hard

I'm sitting here in a completely quiet house, both boys asleep for the time being. I usually get things done around the house while Preston naps but Rob just got home from working 24 hours straight so I think it's only fair to keep it quiet so he can get some shut eye. The reason he had to work was because of a huge wind storm that hit Reno with over 100 mph winds. My parents were here when it hit and they couldn't believe how strong the winds were. Preston actually woke up at 3am yesterday because of the wind so I brought him in our room to try to sleep. That didn't work because he decided to tell us stories until it was time for Rob to get up for work. So, not only did Rob work 24 hours, trying to restore power to parts of Reno, but he'd also been up since 3am the night before. Thankfully he is taking this weekend off so he can relax, catch up on sleep and hang out with the family. It's a much needed and deserved break, one we're all looking forward to!

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