Monday, June 25, 2012

The Good Life

Dinner is done (although the dishes are still piled in the sink as I HATE doing dishes!) and I am sitting on the front porch, enjoying the breeze and watching P water the pumpkins that have started to sprout up. This is the stuff I've longed for since we first decided to put our old house on the market. I love that I haven't had to fill my Yukon up in almost a week because it's an all flat commute now. I love that I can take P to the creek if I'd like and that Rob can set off for an evening hike to get ready for his hunts. I love that P can play in the backyard for hours and I don't have to worry about him. I love that P and I were able to plant pumpkins, tomatoes, flowers and carrots with a real shot of them producing something this year. I love that P can look out his bedroom window at night and watch the bunnies hop across the LAWN. I love that we're a little over a minute to the Chocolate Nugget Factory and it's even less time to the convenience store. Are there drawbacks on this house? Certainly! But, in my opinion, all the "luxuries" far outweigh the hassles. Life is good!

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