Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer Hikes

After having such a relaxing day yesterday I thought I'd end it with a quick jaunt to the creek with P after dinner. But that ended up in an exploratory walk/hike around the property with the dogs. We followed the fire lane up to the neighbor's property and then back around the creek, all the while finding fun "Mouse-a-tools" (If you don't know about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse then you probably have no idea what I'm talking about!). Last night Rob decided he wanted to get some exercise so he, too, went for a hike. He went back in the canyon where the fire had devastated hundreds of acres back in January. When he got home he told me about this lake that he had found and said he wanted all of us to go there. So after a faux nap this afternoon and loading up on ice cream at the Chocolate Nugget Factory (I see danger ahead living only 1 min., 9 secs from there), we headed out. It was so beautiful to see the burnt trees yet the new growth all around it. Our hike ended at this crystal blue lake, where we watched a pelican dive for fish. Since P did not take a nap and the hike was long for his little legs, he was getting tired on the way back. But it was a fun filled time together as a family, something I always enjoy!

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