Friday, January 14, 2011

Splish Splash!

I didn't really know what to title this blog and since I'm watching the most adorable toddler splash up a storm in the bathtub it became the title. It's been an exhausting week so I can't think of a better way to end it than to sit here, laughing at my son's antics. When he gets Rob and I laughing he continues whatever it is he's doing until a) I turn on the camera or b) we stop laughing (which is rare).
Anyway, back to the week at hand. I filled ya in up until Monday evening. Monday night I shared the guest bed with P because he was having a hard night being sick. When I say "share the bed" I mean he took up 3/4 a Queen size bed and I did all I could not to fall off. When I say "share the bed" I mean I was kicked and punched most of the night and when I wasn't being beaten by a 18 mo old he was trying to steal my pillow. That being said, Tuesday he woke up fussy so I changed his wellness appt to a sick appt. Come to find out he had an ear infection so Rob, P and I spent the afternoon dealing with the dr. office and the pharmacy. Tuesday night I would love to say P had a great night after getting on antibiotics but I can't lie. I put him in bed with us, which worked to my benefit because, although I had little space, he chose Rob to beat up on. My ribs were saved for a night! Luckily I had Wednesday off so we had a mellow day together. Wednesday night I was determined to keep him in his crib. That meant sacrificing precious sleep from midnight to 2am while he HOWLED in his crib. I finally turned the monitor off, put a pillow over my head and went to sleep...until Rob's alarm went off 2 1/2 hrs later! Needless to say, yesterday was a long day at work. As exhausted as I was, I couldn't wait til P went to bed so I could take a hot bath and hopefully get a good night's sleep. WRONG! I had weird dreams about shooting a guy in the eye with a bb gun and Ruby's fur falling out at Doggy Boot Camp. I'm happy to report, however, that P slept through the night. Between that and eating a HUGE breakfast I knew he'd have a good day. The dreaded daycare drop-off was a tearful one but when I picked him up his teacher reported that he kept everyone in stitches doing quite the dance routine. She also said he slept so long at naptime that she finally had to wake him up because all the kids were trying to play quietly (don't know how that is possible with a roomful of 18-24 mo olds) around him while he got his beauty sleep. We've had such a fun family night together, full of lots of laughs. It makes a great ending for a crazy week. Now if only I could get some sleep......

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