Monday, December 19, 2011

Frustratingly Funny

My mom likes to tease me that I wanted a boy in the worst way and that's what I got...ALL boy!! Today P has either been making me mad or making me laugh. There hasn't been much middle ground. It started this morning when I had to take him to a meeting with me. He frustrated me to no end when he wouldn't listen. He climbed on the secretary's chair to spin on it. Then while I was distracted with the lady I was discussing a fundraiser with he got on her chair and started playing on her computer. He dumped things all over and spilled my Starbucks on her desk. From there I had to buy an inexpensive trinket at a speciality store because P broke it while I was placing my order. I had to drop what I had in my hand to chase after him when he ran out of a different store. By that time I told him he couldn't sit on Santa's lap that was at the store because he wasn't minding. That seemed to shape him up....with only 1 store left on my "To Do" list.
Once we got home I was exhausted. I couldn't wait for him to nap so I could lay down. I blocked him in his room (a new thing I have to do lately to get him to sleep) and read for awhile, hoping he'd be asleep by the time I moved the blockade. When I went to his room I thought I heard him by the door but I wasn't certain. Sure enough, as soon as the door wasn't barricaded he came HOBBLING out. I looked down at his feet and he had covered them both in train stickers! I was laughing so hard.

Fast forward to this evening. He came out of his room with his Winter jacket and his cowboy hat. He informed me he was going to go look for coyotes. I told him to put his slippers on so he did. Then he headed out to the balcony to play in the keg barrel full of dirt. When he came in he went to his room to play. Rather he went in his room to make it look like a hurricane had gone through it. Luckily he was good about cleaning it up. BUT, I had to glue the border back on 2 walls that he had taken down. While I was doing that I heard him in the dining room...spitting! He was "cleaning" the window. While I made dinner he played with the dogs. I came out of the kitchen to see Holly Girl donning his cowboy hat, a funny sight indeed. To top off the night (hopefully), he flung Ranch dressing all over ME at dinner. It got in my hair, on my clothes. This is one of the things that I was NOT laughing at. As I write this, he is chasing our poor dogs with his lawnmower (ie. his "vacuum"). Hopefully he frustrates them without frustrating me until it's his bedtime. I can handle a good dose of the funny but a little frustrating goes a long way!

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