Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 Big Ps for P!

OK, so I'm stretching on the title of this blog but what I'm trying to get at is that P is growing up so fast. We're in the thros of potty training and have started touring preschools. It seems like just yesterday I was supporting his head while I held him, worrying about his health, worrying if I was doing everything right (Ok, I still worry about that and probably will for the rest of his life!). Now he's using the "big boy potty" several times a day and is excited about wearing real underwear. It's like that's his last step from transitioning from being our baby to being a kid....and it's happening too fast! When we toured the preschool this morning he was being a pistol. But when we left he kept saying he wanted to go back to high school. I knew he meant preschool but I was thinking that before long he'll be in high school. It seems like forever ago since I had found out I was pregnant with him. Oh, if we could only stop time...or at least get it to slow down...so I can cherish each moment~even the tough ones~a little more!

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