Saturday, February 4, 2012

Musical Beds????

As I sit down to write this, P is sound asleep....on my side of the bed! It seems that he likes our bed better than his own. He's been sick the past couple weeks so I've been thankful that we didn't move the queen size bed in his room. That seems to be where I sleep a lot lately. Last night he tried to crawl into our bed around midnight. I fell back to sleep, thinking he had gone back to his bed. Soon after I dozed off, he started coughing....right next to me. Then Rob started tossing and turning. Since I haven't slept well for a few nights I threw in the towel and went to P's room to get some shut eye....for the third time in 3 weeks. P's never really slept in our bed for a long period time or for consecutive nights so I hope this phase passes quickly. I'd like everyone to sleep in their own bed so I can hopefully get a good night's sleep one of these nights.

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