Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blessings of Friendship

Sorry I've been MIA for the past week. My boys were gone so I took advantage of them being with family to go visit my family and friends. Although I always look forward to my visits home, this time I was really looking forward to my time there. No nap schedule to worry about. No need to wonder if my parents could watch P. No early bedtimes and quiet TV to keep from waking a toddler.
My trip didn't disappoint me. In fact, it made me more aware of all the great friendships I've acquired over the years. On Saturday evening and again on Monday I got to catch up with a friend that is starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, after going through some hardships. Sunday morning I got to see friends from my parents' church. Unfortunately I didn't spend much time with them, but any time is a blessing. That afternoon I went on a photography date with a friend with whom I've drawn closer to in recent years. We spent the time together catching up and she shared some medical "scares" with me. I said goodbye to her and then met up with another friend. We shared thoughts on marriage, kids, jobs and life in general. As I fell asleep Sunday night, I reflected on my conversations. I counted my blessings for not only having such good friends but for being able to have open conversations with them. Tuesday I woke in anticipation because Tuesday was the day I got to have lunch with a near and dear friend that I had kind of lost contact with. She has always been like family so I was beyond ecstatic when we reconnected! Lunch was great and it was so very good to see her incredibly happy. I ended my trip having breakfast with one my closest friends before I headed out of town. We shed tears over the recent death of her grandma. We shared laughter over the news of her relationship with a wonderful guy.

I loved every moment with each friend but the friends I spent the most time with and thoroughly enjoyed were my parents. We went to the movies, ate out, went on shopping trips, ran errands together and laughed a lot! We also went on a search for the perfect house for my parents to buy. Every minute with them was fun and I am so thankful to call my parents my friends. It was a fun trip full of lots of good memories, a trip full of many blessings, a trip full of great friends!! I am blessed.

1 comment:

Mom said...

And so are we to have a daughter like you. We miss you!