Monday, February 10, 2014

Lineman's Wife

10 years ago if you would've asked me if I would be married to a lineman I would've said, "What is that?" (To this day I still don't know all that my husband's job entails.) My friends teased that I'd be married to a cowboy and I am~ a retired one. But his career is a journeyman lineman. His profession causes fear, loneliness, and pride. Every day is a day of fear until he returns safe and sound because if one mistake is made it can be a fatal one. There's not a second chance when working with electricity. Right now it has caused loneliness. He's been out of town/state for almost a week now working on a storm. Because my family is not around and I don't really have close friends here yet (Other than Rob's cousin, who graciously offered to bring me chicken noodle soup today), I feel like I don't have any support. I'm sick and no one is here to help me with the boys like I would've had in NV. There are days when I haven't had any face to face adult interaction (unless you consider Face Time). But most of all I am prideful of his job. I'm thankful that my husband is a hard worker who takes pride in his work. I'm thankful that he's a hero to many when he gets their power and heat back on during an ice/snow storm. I take pride in the fact that when someone plows down a powerline he is one of the first on the scene (sometimes it's still gruesome) to restore power as quickly as possible. I take pride in the structures that he's shown me that he's built. I take pride in the fact that I can be a stay at home mom thanks to the paychecks his job provides. Despite the difficult factors of his job, I can honestly say I am proud to be a lineman's wife!

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