Friday, February 21, 2014

Our Comedian

Although P has not had a lot of my attention lately, he has been in good spirits. His sense of humor has been a welcome relief from the stress of playing nurse (read blog below this for more on that). Earlier this week he informed me that he was going to become a cooker because he doesn't like what I cook. I told him that was fine but he'd have to use his money that he wants to buy a shed with (his latest obsession) to buy food instead. After a moment of thinking about it he said, "Ok, I decided I'll just deal with what you make so I don't have to spend my money."
Today he had me in stitches! This morning when we went to the vet he took his stuffed monkey in with us. He actually talked the vet into a medical check up for his stuffed TOY monkey because according to him he wasn't standing up very good. He also talked the vet into giving his monkey a REAL shot. She thought it was great and I laughed hysterically the entire time. He wrapped his monkey around his neck after the monkey's medical visit and tried to convince me to buy it a Saints collar since it was so brave. Later today when we were on the way to the dr's office he said, "Mommy, I'm a picky eater and I saw on a commercial that if you're a picky eater you should drink chocolate milk. That helps you not be a picky eater so I think I should try it." Then at the dr's office he randomly told a little girl, "My daddy's not that into girls." I was laughing so hard at his random statement because last I checked I was a girl. His last comment that had me laughing is when he told me that he doesn't like Daddy's nights to read to him because Daddy doesn't know how to read. According to P, "he tries but he just can't read." There have been many more incidents this week that have made me laugh but the above ones are the ones that are my favorite. Happy Friday everyone!

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