Thursday, August 18, 2011

Good For At Least a Smile.....

Like every parent I know, some days your kid(s) frustrates you (like yesterday) or makes you laugh uncontrollably (like today). P has had me in stitches since I picked him up from school and I thought I'd share the few things I can remember to share the fun with you.....

The place I get sushi is next to the place Preston gets his haircut. When I pulled into the parking lot P asked, "Preston haircut?" I told him not today and he responded, "Thank you Mommy!". Apparently he's not into getting his hair cut.

He told me he had an "owie" and I told him we'd get one of his new doggy bandaids when we get home. He sat there for a second, pulled a string out of his stuffed horse and said, "Horse owie hand". I asked if his horse needed a bandaid also and he said yes.

Every day he asks to drive by the llamas and go on the bumpy road. Today he asked several times, using different voices every time he asked. He'd ask in a growl then would ask again in a high pitched voice. When we did go on the bumpy road he tossed his stuffed horse around saying, "Woah! Bumpy road horsey!"

He loves to roll the window down in the back and then when he wants it UP he says, "Mommy close window down please."

At dinner I used chopsticks to eat my sushi. P held his spoon in one hand and a fork in the other, trying to use them like chopsticks to eat his Jello.

Last but not least......He asked if we could watch "Mommy's cheep cheep movie" (Rio). He holds it so much that he's scratched it pretty bad so it doesn't always load. When I put it in and it looked like it wouldn't load he leaned forward in the chair and pleaded with the TV, "Come on cheep cheeps!". When the preview for "Marley and Me" came on he shook his head and said, "Crazy Marley!" (I don't know where he learned that it was Marley). When the "Rio" theme music started, he started making his stuffed horse dance around the room saying, "Yay cheep cheeps!".

He has made my afternoon/evening so much fun. His laughs make me laugh and I'm thoroughly enjoying my time with him today!


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