Sunday, August 28, 2011

Meet Thomas and RosieJames

Every time we go to Walmart, P wants to see the fish and crabs. He loves to look at the crabs and put his finger by the glass, pretending they're pinching his finger. So, last week Rob and I decided that we'd get P a couple crabs of his own. I laughed when the Walmart employee put the crabs in the bag because then P didn't want anything to do with them. But he had fun picking out the rocks he wanted for the aquarium and was happy when the crabs were at home in their new home.
I asked him what he wanted to name them and proceeded to list off different appropriate crab names (ie "Pincher"). But, I know you'll be surprised to find out that he wanted to name them Thomas and Rosie. The next day he changed their names to Thomas and James. Now he calls them Thomas and RosieJames. It's a good thing they don't need to know their names because they change daily. Well one of the crabs is consistently called Thomas but P likes to switch up the other one to keep everyone guessing. Although he can't play with them he likes to look at them and pray for them during his nightly prayers. I think it's a great match with Thomas and RosieJames!

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