Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I don't even know what to title this blog because my brain is mush and I can't think of anything creative that I haven't already used. I don't know if it's due to lack of sleep or P being sick (AGAIN!) or feeling overwhelmed with work and life in general but today has been a crappy day. Yesterday I went to get P from my parents' and we had a blast. He played in the water fountains at a local mall then we ate at a great hamburger place that none of us had tried before. After P went to bed I ended the night by meeting a friend for ice cream and catching up on life.
I knew, however, that today would not be as fun when P woke me up at 5am. Then he proceeded to cling to me all morning. (He wouldn't even let me have 15 minutes to take a shower in peace) We got back to town and I took him to the doctor's. Turns out the poor monster, er kid, has yet another sinus infection. I've had my share so I know they are not any fun. I can only imagine how he feels since he doesn't understand the concept of blowing his nose (My dad tried to teach him, imitating a bull, but it was not successful). Once we got home I was so looking forward to naptime. I can only recall getting 2 good nights of sleep- more than 5 hours- in the past 3 weeks. But, lo and behold, my little angel didn't want to nap. We battled it out for over 2 hours and he finally won.
We had to go pick up his prescription and go to Kohls. At Kohls he was doing fine until it was time to go. He flat out refused to leave the store. When I picked him up he threw Daddybull and screamed. I carried him outside and put him down, thinking he'd walk with me to the car. WRONG! Once I got him in the car we went to get his prescription, which I thought would be fast. Wrong again! There were glitches with insurance and the man next to me kept asking about his prescriptions, taking more time away from me. By the time the pharmacist consulted with me about P's meds and asked, "Is he old enough to eat yogurt?" my patience was shot. I wanted to reply, "No, he's delayed in the teething department. HERE'S YOUR SIGN!" Needless to say, it took over 1/2 hour to get out of there.
When we got home I discovered that P has diarrhea, which is fabulous since his new antibiotics are already supposed to cause an upset stomach. Then we went outside to water my garden and clean the dog kennel. That took longer than planned because P, like his mama, is clumsy when he's overly tired. So he fell on a rock and scraped himself up pretty good. Then Ruby brought me a decomposed rat that I had to dispose of.
Rob gets on me for being overly dramatic about little things and I know I can be. But, today was one of those days that, whether I am being dramatic or not, just let me be. It's not even 8 and I have tons of schoolwork to do yet I think I'm going to call it a day and go to bed. I am beyond being one pooped puppy tonight!

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