Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prison Guard

I started up on my soapbox tonight, ranting about school changes that I don't like. But, after re-reading my entry several times, it was too offensive. So, I'm taking a different approach, one that I'm hoping is less aggressive.

I pulled up to school with mixed emotions about starting this school year. So many changes that I don't agree with and am not happy about. When I saw the chain linked fence that surrounds the campus and thought of the new mandated school uniforms a mental picture of prison popped in my mind. But when I walked through the gate it was a completely different story. The principal surprised me by immediately stopping me and asking about P's health. Several other teachers asked as well. One teacher took time out of her day to seek me out and ask if our house was okay after the fire. Those personal touches made my day.
Another thing that made my day was the beautiful roses Rob sent me. In fact, to be honest, that was the highlight of my day. The kids were....well, they were acting like it was the first day of school. When I covered my head at 1:30 and asked the Lord to give me the patience and strength to finish the day I remembered last year's class. I remembered doing the same thing my first day with them and by the end of the year they ended up being one of my favorite classes (Yes, I am one of "those" teachers that have favorites...gasp!). So, who knows? That may be the same with this rowdy bunch.
I know the year won't be the same with a couple friends of mine gone and the other changes that took place. But, the staff that's there is going above and beyond, making the prison facade just that....a facade!

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