Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's Official???!

After getting an 8 month reprieve from traveling, Rob has decided to go back to the transmission crew at his company. It's something we've talked about endlessly for a few months and not our first choice. But, given the circumstances and the possible job transfer to another local crew in December/January, it's what we decided would be best for our family. He doesn't like his current position nor does he like the huge cut in pay we've had to deal with. Being on the transmission crew is a whole other ball of wax. It's hard for our family, especially since he's been home almost every night with us for the past 8 months- a huge help and support to both me and P. The being away again for long periods of time have me worried but I know that it's just for a short amount of time. He had to go back to the transmission crew in order to join a different line crew or he would've lost all seniority in that dept. If the job that he wants doesn't open in December as predicted then we'll go to Plan B. This job provides more money, making it possible for me to be a Stay-At-Home Mom once the baby arrives. It will also help us pay off some debt that we've accrued since he's taken his other position. It's not a decision that we took lightly by any means. We talked about it for hours on end, prayed about it, lost sleep over it and even had a few spats about it. But, in the end, it's what is needed at this moment in time so we'll make the best of it. In the meantime pray that the job he really wants opens so he can enjoy being a husband and daddy at home again!

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