Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy News

I guess I got the "Blogging Bug" back because I feel the need to tell the world everything again. Since I'm telling the world everything I'll let ya in on a little secret. For the past two weeks I've had symptoms like I had when I was first pregnant with Preston: wanting to eat everything in sight (not comfort food like in the winter but just eat), tired, sick to my stomach a little. This has weighed on my mind a lot and, even though I was 95% sure I wasn't pregnant, this morning I broke down and took a pregnancy test. I have happy news: I am NOT pregnant! We want a second child but right now would not be a good time with me going back to work and Rob going out of town for 3 months. If I take a pregnancy test again in the Fall and it comes back negative then I'll be bummed but for right now I'm very happy to see the words "Not Pregnant". Between that, the beautiful weather, Preston's happy mood and spending time with a good friend I think today will be an all around happy day!

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