Thursday, May 20, 2010


As I sit here watching Preston I am envious. Envious of his squeals, laughter, never-ending smile, not having a care in the world. Oh, how I wish I could be like that but I write this with a heavy heart. In my last blog I mentioned that I haven't slept much the past couple nights. The reason for that is because I've been receiving daily emails from a close family friend, one of my parents' best friends. Our friend has been dealing with cancer for at least 4-5 years and has beat it every step of the way with more determination than I could imagine. Her email this week said that the doctor thinks the cancer has reached her brain. Unfortunately I got an email this morning saying that the MRI confirmed her doctor's concerns. As I read the email, tears streaming down my cheeks, I was amazed at how strong Mrs. Jetton has been. She admits that she's struggled but she still praises God. I, on the other hand, ask WHY?! Why does God allow great people to suffer? Why does her teenage son, that they adopted, have to watch his mom go through this when he's already been through so much? Why can't this happen to child molesters, murderers? I don't understand no matter how much I try. I've been told that everything happens for a reason but it doesn't make it easier. WHY??! I'm thankful that Mrs. Jetton has the faith the size of a mustard seed and is such a strong person. Although I won't ever understand, I will continue to pray for a miracle!

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