Monday, January 26, 2009

Weird Dream

I don't have many pregnancy symptoms but one I've had even before I got pregnant is weird dreams. Last night was a good one, which must have originated earlier in the evening. You see, Rob got me the Wii Fit last week so I try to do that or Pilates every day. Yesterday I didn't work out until right before bed, which I rarely do. My dream last night is probably why I work out earlier in the day.
Anyway, in my dream I was training for the pregnant Olympics. I worked hard and knew I was going to medal. The unfortunate thing is that another lady knew I was going to win so she asked her husband to make sure I couldn't even start the race (Think Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding). Right before the race was about to begin the husband jumped on me and pinned me down. Well, I was too strong for him (I must've really worked out in preparation for the Olympics) and started to get free. That's when he began strangling me. In my dream I tried to scream but it came out as more of a groan that no one could hear. Luckily, my noise and thrashing around woke Rob up, who in turn woke me up before my dream went any further. I was able to go back into a peaceful sleep until my alarm went off. However, I am pretty tired today.... probably because of all my "training". So, I think I'll retire to bed early tonight.

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