Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sick of It!

Disclaimer: This is more of a rant that blog!

I am sitting here, holding Preston, after having a close call. The dreaded number in our house is 100.4. Every time he feels warm I rush to take his temp, fearing the dreaded number. The dreaded number wins us an automatic trip to the ER, a spinal tap and IV treatments. We almost made it to that number tonight, Preston and I crying together as I strip him down and pray that does the trick like last time. Thankfully it did.
Another fun daily routine is checking his head. The day he was supposed to get his 2 mos vaccinations I called our pediatrician in a panic (Is it bad that I already have the office's number memorized?). He had a couple bumps where the original ones started. Our pediatrician checked him out, said the virus was trying to break through but hadn't quite been successful. Because of it, though, he wanted to postpone his shots to be on the safe side.
I AM SICK OF IT!!!! I am sick of the constant worry. I am sick of Preston's stomach hurting because of his daily medicine. I am sick of always taking his temp, worrying about what the thermometer will read. I am sick of not being able to enjoy this first year, instead wishing it away so we can be out of the woods. I AM SICK OF IT!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the morning",not always our 24 hour time frame but God's. I'm sorry you have to go through this time of anxiety but rejoice everytime you get to look in your baby's precious face and see his smile. He melts the heart! Love, Mom