Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sweating the Small Stuff

For the past month or more I have been "sweating the small stuff" so to speak when it comes to Preston. Is he being held too much? Shouldn't he be able to lay on his activity mat for longer periods of time by himself? Why does he need to be held so much? (I wanted him to be "independent" so I could do laundry and clean the house)Then, like a ton of bricks, it hit me yesterday. HELLO!! He's a 2 month old baby. He needs to be held, to be comforted, to be soothed, to be rocked.... So, I made a resolution yesterday that I won't be trying the Cry It Out method, which wasn't working for either of us anyway. I want him to build trust in us, knowing that he can count on us to meet his needs. He's gotten himself on a pretty good schedule, taking an hour long nap from 8-9am then a long nap around 10:30-12:30. The shorter nap is when I'll shower and get some things done around the house. During his longer nap I'll nap if I feel the need or get more stuff done. And whatever doesn't get done will still be there tomorrow. Right now our son needs his mother, not a housekeeper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truer words were never spoken! Mom