Saturday, September 12, 2009

Watch Out....A BLOW OUT!

I have never been one of those girls that professes not to pass gas or have bowel movements. But, I've never really gotten excited about bodily functions...until now...and it's Preston's I'm excited about! He went from having 6-8 poopy diapers a day to not having any for 2 days. Because of this virus, I am paranoid about anything that seems abnormal. Luckily, our pediatrician is also a family friend and humors me when I call with concerns. Yesterday when I called him he assured me that Preston would not explode and that a BM would happen eventually. But, he also warned to watch out when it does because it'll be one for the books. Well, last night he finally had a poopy diaper and it wasn't anything out of the norm. So, I figured we were out of the woods. This morning, however, Preston was really pushing and not getting anywhere. I, being the good mommy, decided to lift my ban on burritos to help him out (Really, I just wanted an excuse for one because until Preston was born I'd eat at least two a week!). This afternoon we were getting ready to head out to the camel races. I was really excited about watching them and seeing whose lifelong dream is to become a camel racer. I was holding Preston on my lap, discussing the races with him, when he started pushing. His face turned bright red for a brief second then got a HUGE smile on his face. This was followed by a horrible smell so I knew we were in business. When I got up to change him it was all over the front of my shirt and down his leg. Now Preston has had 2 previous blow outs but this one was for the books! I had to throw away his onesie, a blanket and I don't know how many wipes it took to clean him off. I basically bathed him in wipes because I didn't want to deal with a bath. Then I did an emergency load of laundry to clean the salvageable items. The whole time he just laid there on this changing table, smiling as if he'd just accomplished a NASA mission. Being the only girl in the house, I'm sure I'll have to get used to this kind of thing...being excited about poop!!

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